
MOHAWK ARMS INC. is actively interested in purchasing single items as well as collections of antique weapons and militaria. In addition, we will accept militaria for our auctions on a consignment basis. If you are interested in being a vendor, please inform us of what material you have available. A listing and/or photographs would be appreciated. Reproductions, articles in poor condition, items deemed to be in poor taste or non-related will not be accepted. Mohawk Arms Inc. will be the sole judge of suitability for auction.

Vendors are responsible for all shipping costs. Mohawk Arms Inc will be responsible for research, listing, costs of photography, and advertising. For this service vendors will be assessed a fee of 20% of the prices realized in auction. All items sent to Mohawk Arms Inc. become the property of Mohawk Arms Inc., until after completion of the auction (generally 3 weeks after the auction after the prices realized list has been circulated). At that time (generally 3 weeks after the auction after the prices realized list has been circulated), unsold items will be returned, at vendors’ expense, unless other instructions are agreed upon. Vendor pay-off will be 6 weeks from the close of the auction . In some cases this may vary where foreign purchases are made.

P.O. Box 157
Bouckville, NY 13310
TEL 315-893-7888
FAX 315-893-7707